Ascensor Blog – How to generate more legal leads by refreshing your site content

The public use search engines every day to find relevant, up-to-date content that matches their queries.

If the legal content on your website is out of date, they’ll most likely seek out another law firm.

A ‘refresh’ is an excellent way to capitalise on your existing content, improve your SEO and attract more leads.

Rather than letting an old piece of legal content die, you can give it new life in order to generate more traffic.

Here are a few ideas for updating your content and generating more leads for your firm.

First, examine the content of your site

Your law firm’s website and blog play an important role in communicating value to prospective clients, attracting online traffic and converting visitors into leads.

With this in mind, auditing the content of your law firm’s website is the best place to start.

Set up and log into Google Search Console first, then open the Search results report.

Select the Total clicks, Total impressions, Average CTR (click through rate), and Average position checkboxes.

Then click ‘Pages’ to see a list of URLs on your website that are generating clicks, impressions and keyword rankings.

This report will show you which pages are performing well and which are underperforming.

URLs ranked sixth or lower are likely candidates for a refresh.

You can export this report and begin tracking the pages or posts that you update.

  • A few SEO improvements that could be made include:
  • Adding the focus keyword to the page title (title tag)
  • Incorporating the page’s focus keyword into the meta description
  • Integrating your primary and secondary keywords throughout the body of the content
  • Updating any broken or outdated links
  • Adding new content to the page, including images, videos or other media.

These enhancements will hopefully result in improved SEO performance (rankings). You just need to keep an eye on impressions, clicks, rankings and CTR in Google Search Console.

See what your rivals are doing

In the legal field, taking stock of what your competitors are doing well and incorporating that into your strategy can make all the difference.

A ‘content gap analysis’ is a fancy way of saying that you want to see what content your competitors have that your website doesn’t. It’s a great way to discover new content opportunities or improve on existing ones.

Conduct a ‘Content gap’ analysis using or your preferred SEO tool.

Most tools will require you to enter your domain name as well as the domain names of your closest competitors.

The report will then reveal the shared or ‘untapped’ keywords between your site and the websites of your competitors.

You will then be able to see what keywords your competitors are ranking for but your site is not.

If you don’t already have any pages or posts that match the ‘untapped’ keywords, these might be good topics for new pages or posts.

Consider including them in your content calendar or blogging strategy if they are relevant to your company.

Publish your legal case studies as new articles

Most law firms have fantastic case studies, however you may be passing up an opportunity to drive additional traffic.

You can revitalise this existing content by converting case studies into longer articles.

This allows you to optimise for search terms (if applicable) and attract new customers.

You can also include real quotes from real clients to help build trust with your audience.

Convert old content into social soundbites

Legal content, especially longer articles, can take time to write and digest.

And social media is a place where people have short attention spans and want quick, punchy content.

You can now refresh your social media content without much extra effort.

Here’s an example:

The best-performing blog article on your website is titled ‘How to apply for divorce in the UK’.

You cut and paste important paragraphs of text from your article over a stock image (you can do this using free tools like Canva or Unsplash).

This graphic can then be shared on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram.

A Facebook Live video, for example, can be converted into a YouTube video upload, which you can then embed into a blog article and send to your email list.

Take advantage of a content refresh

Excellent content is essential for an SEO-friendly law firm website.

Of course, trends shift and old articles become obsolete, so check back frequently.

There are always opportunities to improve old content, whether it’s on your website or on social media.

So, if you want to bring in new clients, a content refresh may be the best next step for your law firm.

Ascensor are an award-winning digital agency based in Leeds, with dedicated experts specialising in SEOPPC, email marketing and social media.

If you need more advice on content marketing, we’ve got a proven track record of helping legal practices get more from their digital assets. Get in touch with the Ascensor team to discover how we can help your firm grow.